subota, 27. kolovoza 2011.

The most ridiculous Fashion moments in VMA's history!

When it comes to fashion, the VMA’s are the sartorial equivalent of a madhouse–people walk around with all sorts of crazy going on! In honor of this Sunday’s coming awards show–and the guaranteed crazy fashion–we count down our favorite fashion snafus from the VMA’s history.

Kad je rijec o modi,  VMA su krojacki ekvivalent za ludnicu od ljudi koji hodaju oko al svim vrstama ludila na njima. U cast ovonedjeljnjoj dodjeli nagrada i zagarantiranoj ludoj modi, odaberimo nase najdraze modne snafuse iz VMA povijesti.

On anyone else, we’d make fun…But Gwen? She can wear a furry bikini and blue hair any day.

Na bilo kome drugome ovo bismo ismijavali, ali Gwen? Ona moze nositi krzeneni bikini i plavu kosu koji god dan.

Wow, TMI, Rose McGowan. Or in pre-internet speak: Put some clothes on!

Wow, TMI, Rose McGown. Ili u preinternetskom govoru: Put some clothes on women!

Even though this was one year after Gwen and Rose , this  Lil Kim’s  jumpsuit, is where the VMA-fashion-antics really got started.

Iako je ovo bilo godinu dana nakon Gwen i Rose, ovaj kombinezon od Lil Kim je bio pravi pocetak VMA modne antike.

In 2001, Macy Gray took self-promotion to a new level.

2001., Macy Grey je podigla  samopromociju na novu razinu.

This was during Xtina’s drrrrrty phase. 

Ovo je bilo tijekom Xtinine prlljave faze.

Ice T’s wife Coco, puts it all out there.

Ice T-ova zena Coco, stavila je SVE tu. Seka Aleksic bi rekla... dodji i uzmi me :D.

Amber Rose’s  jumpsuit was sorta eclipsed by the Kanye-Taylor-Swift scandal, but we still think it’s ugly enough to belong here.

Kombinezon od Amber Rose bio je potisnut skandalom na razini Kanye- Taylor- Swift, ali jos mislimo da je dovoljno los da pripada ovdje.

Gaga is probably the only person in the universe for whom we could say that this look is actually somewhat tame.

I na kraju Gaga.
Gaga je vjerojatno jedina osoba u svemiru za koju mozemo reci da joj je ovaj izgled pomalo pitom.

Have fun reading this!
Love, MT !

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