The stars were watching the runway as well: Elle and Dakota Fanning, Beyonce and Solange Knowles, and Taylor Swift were there in the front row. . To counter the mainstream stars and the heaps of praise and attention Rodarte has received, the sisters’ chose a reference point that speaks to the heart of the creative person. Van Gogh—a mentally unbalanced genius who died alone, impoverished, unrecognized in his time—is a model for struggling artist, the outsider, he whose passion overcomes every other notion of his being, including his own physical body (he cut off his own ear; he shot himself in the chest).
The sisters Mulleavy will have people talking with this collection. And if the response is more shock than awe, the intelligence and originality in this effort should subdue any such moaning.
Songs by Morrissey and Mazzy Star, prepared by Michel Gaubert and accompanied by Taylor Swift, helped you feel the airy layers of a Starry Night-hued frock. A wrinkled leather lambskin top, in a nearly unbelievable acid green, looked for madness and control, levity and weight, all at once. For every earth-toned, box-pleated dress, there were off-the-shoulder features. The structured garments reached out to the spirit of the tortured artist, but did not want to go as far as his grand and terrible finale. Van Gogh’s last words, apparently, were “The sadness will last forever.” No it won’t, says Rodarte.
Which dress do u like more :)?
**All photos: Imaxtree
Rodarte Mulleavy sestre nisu nista ako ne sanjari- i za njihovu proljetnu kolekciju 2012 izgubile su se u svijetu snova Van Gogha. Haljine sa suncokretima postimpresionisticke slikarice i zvijezdicama iu njegove zvjezdane noci, plovili su pistom.
I mnogi poznati su gledali reviju: Elle i Dakota Fanning, Beyonce i Solange Knowels i Taylor Swift su bile u prvome redu. Da bi se suprostavio mainstream zvijezda i hrpe hvale i pozornosti sto je Rodarte dobio, sestre su izabrale referentnu tocku koja govori o srcu kreativne osobe. Van Gogh, mentalno neuravnotezen genij koji je umro sam, siromasan, neprepoznat u svoje vrijeme, je model za umjetnika koji se bori, autsajder, on cija strast nadilazi svaki drugi pojam njegova bica, ukljucujuci i svoje vlastito fizicko tijelo ( odsijekao je svoje uho, upucao je sam sebe u prsa).
Sestre Mulleavy ce uciniti da ljudi pricaju o njihovoj kolekciji. I ako je odgovor vise šok nego strahopostovanje, inteligencija i originalnost u tom nastojanju trebaju obuzdati takvo oplakivanje.
Pjesme Morrissey i Mazzy Star, pripremljene od Michela Gauberta i Taylor Swift, pomogle su osjetit zrakaste slojeve zvjezdanonocnog ogrtaca. Naborane zivotinjske koze, u gotovo nevjerojatnoj kiselastoj zelenoj, izgledala je ludilom i kontrolom, lakocom i tezinom, sve odjednom. Za svaku boxy naboranu haljinu u zemljanim tonovima, bile su off-the-shoulder znacajke. Strukturirana odjeca posegnula je za duhom mucenog umjetnika, ali nije isla tako daleko kao njegov veliki i strasni finale. Van Goghove posljednje rijeci, navodno, su bile " Tuga ce trajati zauvijek". Nece, kaze Rodarte.
Koja se haljina vama najvise svidja :)?
**Sve fotografije: Imaxtree
Love, MT
svida mi se :D
OdgovoriIzbrišimy blog-followme♥mfashionfreak
crazy collection! really interesting to see the traditional pairing of colours coming back like that mellow yellowish colour with the blue!
This is so fantastic collection. Designs of each dress is brilliant.
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