petak, 2. rujna 2011.

Steve Madden takes a shine to Miu Miu's glitery boot

I am not exactly surprised  Steve Madden ripped off  Miu Miu–actuallyThe mass retailer has already done it before–but I am a tad taken aback that they’ve chosen to copy this shoe in particular.
Firstly, let me just say that I love some Miu Miu. But I have to be honest with you: I think these particular Miu Miu shoes are just a tad unattractive. I mean, come on, a pastel strap sandal over top of a glittery golden bootie with a rounded-out heel? I guess I’m just not that adventurous with my footwear.

When they were sent down the  Miu Miu SS11 runway they did catch my eye: They were completely original, and something only Miuccia Prada, with her signature whimsy, can pull off. Now when Steve Madden  copies them…yeah, they’re just bad.
But now off to the topic, tomorrow there is a first summer giveaway on this blog! Its going to be something very pretty and I hope u like it :). So keep up till tomorrow my little fashionista friends !


Nisam bas iznenadjenja sto je Steve Madden "pokrao" Miu Miu- zapravo masa trgovaca je to ucinila vec prije - ali ja sam zapanjena sto su odlucili kopirati ove cipele u poptunosti!
Kao prvo, zelim reci da volim neke Miu Miu cipele. Ali moram biti iskrena prema vama:  mislim da su osobito ove Miu Miu cipele potpuno neprivlacne.Mislim, hajde, pastelni remen preko svjetlucave povrsine sa zaobljenom i ispupcenom potpeticom? Mislim da nisam takvog avanturistickog duha sto se tice moje obuce. 
Kada su se pojavile na Miu Miu SS11 reviji, uhvatile su moju paznju: Bile su potpuno originalne i nesto sto samo Miuccia Prada, sa svojim duhovitim potpisom, moze plasirati. Sad, kad ih je Steve Madden kopirao.. da, one su jednostavno prelose!
Sad, nevezano za temu, sutra je prvi ljetni giveaway na ovom blogu! Bit ce to nesto sasvim lijepo i nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti :). Tako da, citamo se do sutra my little fashionista friends !

Broj komentara: 6:

  1. Great shoes!! Thanks for the visit in my blog. I´m following you and I hope you follow me back!!

  2. Very very beautifull!!!
    I love shoes!!

    I'm following you darling, if you can give a pass by the well and follow my blog!
    : D

  3. meh, agree! there's a lot of Lita vibe going on there!

  4. These shoes are just amazing!!
    Love this post..

  5. meni su ove miu miu cipele ocajne skroz.grrr
